Code Mekanics Consulting

Looking for Something Different?

Tired of paying expensive rates for un-proven developers or paying for a stack of paper that you'll never use? How's about better rates, but guaranteed experience? Our rates our reasonable and our lead developers all have 10+ years of experience.

Quality not Quantity

We supply well-qualified, senior level developer-analysts who can perform analysis, design and development. This cuts the layers of people and paper decreasing the "lost in translation syndrome". This in turn speeds up the process, vests the developers directly in the project and reduces overall costs.

Other Guarantees

No "Slight of Hand" – we will not perform development trickery by bringing a senior person in for the first portion of the project then switching them out for tech-school programmers later.
"Closers" - we know how to get the infamous final 10% done - the top of the 9th portion that actually takes ~50% of the time. If you want to know how or you're in a pinch and need things done, give us a call.
No "Acronym Bingo" - we don't pride ourselves on using the most acronyms possible in one breath. We want great code, not buzzwords. We want everyone to understand what we're doing and be on the same page.

Code Mekanics

The name may be a little gimmicky, but we do consider ourselves mekanics of a sort. The folks that get the real work done and know how to do it well. We also like the amusing name because we enjoy being geeks who develop great software and we'll always keep it that way..

Thanks and hope to work with you soon.

Craig Johnson
(Founder and fellow geek)